Thus says the Lord God Jehovah, “I knew you and loved you before you were formed in your mother’s womb. I gave you purpose and grace in My Son before time began. I chose you to be one with Me and to be as Jesus is to Me before you ever lived a single day of your life.
I love you so much that I sent my Son to rescue you. He became your sin and was punished in your place so sin will never separate you from Me again. When He became your sin I turned my back on Him but did so knowing it would be the last time I ever turned my back on one of my children.
At great cost to Myself, I delivered you from sin, and I also delivered you from the curse of sin, including sickness, poverty, and death. By my Son’s suffering and stripes, all of your sicknesses and diseases have been healed.
I have given you My life and nature in overflowing abundance and without end. I have given you my Spirit as a Helper to be one with you and to live in you forever. The same Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead now lives in you to empower you to live the life I created you to live.
I have set my eternal love upon you and nothing can separate you from it. I have withheld nothing from you. If I gave you my Son I will surely give you all other things. I have given you my name, my Word, my kingdom, my glory, my authority, and my victory.
I have made you righteous, I have made you free, I have made you wise, I have made you strong, and I have made you prosperous. Jesus became accursed for you so the blessing of Abraham could forever encompass your life.
I have seated you together beside me with Jesus in the heavenly places, far above any demonic threat to your destiny.
I have given you all things that pertain to life and godliness, I have blessed you with every spiritual blessing, and I have prepared things for those who love me that go beyond your wildest imaginations.”
So GO in this might of yours you mighty man of valor!